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Category: A Residents Perspective

I don’t have words for The.Silence.

I attended Grenfell Testimony Week in a personal capacity and to support a friend who was giving testimony.  As a former resident of Grenfell (2011 – 2014) and a resident in North Kensington I live on the edges of the ripples of the grief and pain of Grenfell. These reflections are entirely personal. I wrote this to help me make sense of my experience and two dear friends wanted me to publish it, so I am.

The Grenfell Inquiry: The hearing I can’t stop thinking about…

The 21st July 2022 was the final day of evidentiary hearings at the Grenfell Inquiry. Attending that hearing changed me. I’ve struggled over the last months to articulate this and am only beginning to understand and confront the implications of what I heard.

The 3 Cs of Resident Engagement

Despite the many post-Grenfell promises we continue to see terrible examples of a failure to engage effectively with residents. This blog explores the difference between consultations, collaboration and co-design and suggests that moving away from tick-box consultations may help restore trust.